Texas Un-Signed Seniors
This is the 1st Annual Texas Un-Signed Seniors (TXUSS) showcase game. The game is intended to give Seniors one last opportunity to showcase their skills, and get video in a higher setting with others who are also eager to earn a football scholarship and play at the next level.
Players will be placed on either the East or West teams. The team names have no significance as to w here any player resides. If a large number of players register, we will create a North and South team so that all players will have ample playing time. The East will play West, and the North will play South.
Players will have Check-in on Wednesday March 12th, followed by 2 days of practice and workouts. The game will be played on Saturday evening March 15th. The hotel meeting room for check-in is TBD.
The players will have a team dinner/Meet and Greet on March12th in the evening. Players will be able to meet with coaching staff, converse with other players, and talk with media.
The following schools have been contacted and will be provided a link to watch the live stream of the game, as well as any streamed practice sessions. A link to watch the game at a later time will also be made available for the purpose of rewatching/evaluating potential recruits. Blinn College, Trinity Valley Community College, Cisco College, Coastal Bend College, Kilgore College, Navarro College, RPA College, Tyler Jr College, Permian Basin College, Trinity University, Sul Ross State University, Incarnate Word, UTSA, Texas State University, Texas Lutheran University. More to be added. Any school can also request the link. (March 3rd thru April 14th is the NCAA quiet period. During a quiet period, in-person recruiting contacts are only allowed on the college campus. Off-campus recruiting contacts and evaluations are not permitted.)
Players are responsible for all transportation , meals, and lodging.
The TXUSS Showcase is created for Seniors only who are graduating in 2025.
A grade point average of 2.0 and greater is preferred.
The event is March 12 - 15, 2025.
Check-in is March 12th.
Practice is March 13th & 14th.
The game will be played on March 15th.
Practices and game will be played at Somerset Academy Collegiate, 4802 Vance Jackson Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78230
Practice will be Thursday the 13th, and Friday the 14th. Two Practices will be held each day,
All Players will need bring helmet, shoulder pads, pants with pads, and cleats.
Teams will be coached by former NFL Players.
Each player will play only one game. The games are full regulation time and clock, with 5 man ref crew, and 40 second clock.
Players will receive game jersey and pant, practice jersey, tee shirt and shorts.
Extra Costs
Tickets will be available for spectators, as well as tee shirts.
Football Recruiters and Coaches have been notified of the game and its purpose. We only expect schools that have scholarships available, or who will accept preferred walk-ons will watch the live or recorded game stream. We do expect many to watch the live stream. Any school/coach/recruiter will be able to request the recorded stream for later review.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need my own equipment?
All players will need to provide helmet, shoulder pads, pants with pads, and cleats. The school you attend may loan you the equipment for the event.
Will the game be live streamed?
The game will be live streamed and recorded by Texas Sports Productions. TSP is the leader is live sports streaming in Texas.
Is the game only for Texas HS Seniors?
No, all Senior players from any high school in the U.S. is eligible to participate.
Who is Presenting this Opportunity for Senior Players?
The President and Founder of USA Select NYFL, All-United States Bowl Game, Future Stars Bowl, MEXUS Bowl, and OneWorld Bowl Games, Mr. William Lee is also the creator of the Texas Un-Signed Seniors Game. The game is give another opportunity for players to be discovered and possibly earn a football scholarship.
2025 Spring Showcase TXUSS
The 2025 Texas Un-Signed Seniors Game is to provide prospective players who are still looking for a football scholarship an additional opportunity to showcase their skills. The game will also be live streamed, as well as recorded for distribution to requesting recruiters. Players will need to provide their own equipment. Each player will receive game jersey and pant, practice jersey, tee shirt and shorts. Players will keep these items. Insurance and one team dinner is also included. The fee to participate is $175.00